One of my favorite places on earth, Azenhas do Mar. If you take a closer look you can see the fishermen sitting on the rocks with their fishing-rods.
This place is just awesome and unique - on the opposite side from what you see, narrow little houses are build into the rocks and overlook the Sea.
This picture was taken with my Canon PowerShot A520 in the early days of my digital photo life.
Kommentar schreiben
Britta46 (Mittwoch, 27 September 2017 11:16)
Ich liebe dieses Bild! Eins meiner absoluten favourites von Dir, liebe Annette! Ganz herzliche Grüße, Britta
Annette (Mittwoch, 27 September 2017 15:09)
Liebe Britta, das freut mich sehr! Es ist definitiv mein Lieblingsort :-) Kann stundenlang dort sitzen und aufs Meer blicken.
Liebe Grüße, Annette